A Farmers Wife and Life

Walk (or run) with me as I share our story.

2013 – Don’t Let The Door Hit You In The Rear! December 31, 2013

I’m not saying it was a “bad” year, but it certainly was a challenging year in many ways. I’m looking forward to 2014 and hopefully the return of some balance in our lives. A more balanced year that isn’t going to be quite as hectic and busy as this past year has been. 2013 was to be when we turned on the switch for our “manure to fuel” project. That happening was delayed… for many reasons. Weather delays (yes, we have those even here in sunny So. Cali), supply delays, equipment delays, you name it – that “delay” probably happened here on our farm.

However, 2013 was also a year of accomplishment(s); a year of fun new happenings; and a year of happy family memories for Bruce & I.

The “big barn” for AWS did get built – regulatory agencies not withstanding, so that was a BIG accomplishment (see picture below).  Because we are breaking ground on a new trail… and because there is no “guidebook” to show everyone involved where that trail is going… we had to scramble, walk confidently and show many times over that this project is sustainable, does not affect the environment in any negative way and does offer farming as a whole a new way of being sustainable in today’s regulated farming world.  And supply delays seem to be a way of life anymore… no one warehouses anything it seems. eBay has become my husband’s current job as he searches the web for parts, equipment and various “what-not’s” needed to complete this mammoth project of turning manure into fuel; or staying sustainable in today’s ever changing environmental regulated world of family farming.

Our family celebrated Scott Brothers Dairy Farms being in existence for 100 years… now that IS an accomplishment! 100 years! (see picture below) Can you just imagine the changes in dairying from 1913 to 2013? Yes, cows still give milk, but who would have thought of a cow having a nutritionist back in the day? Or a genetic match up for breeding cows to bulls to have the resulting calf be the best it can be? Who would have thought of a calf being born on a TV show and gaining national attention? Yes, Alan is thriving and growing and he is the darling of the dairy.

In the Fall of 2013 we enjoyed a new type of happening here on the farm. We had two commercials filmed here using our old warehouse. We’re anxiously looking forward to seeing those commercials early in 2014.  Having our front yard invaded by “Hollywood” was certainly a new experience… but actually quite a fun one!  I still shake my head though at the remembrance of how many people, how many days of work and how much equipment it takes to film a mere 30 second commercial.

And happy family memories. With two full weeks of fun this summer entertaining two of our granddaughters as well as their mom, (our daughter) we made many happy memories. We swam, walked the beach, rode some fantastic roller coasters, enjoyed some delicious soft yogurt, took the girls on an amphibious vehicle earning LOTS of oohs… and ahhhs, played with the puppy, rode ATV’s and just enjoyed each others company every minute of the day.

So, bring on 2014! We’re almost set to turn on the switch(es) to all of that huge and fascinating equipment taking its place up in that BIG barn. We’re all honored and excited to be the first dairy in the USA to turn cow manure into diesel fuel… and we’re looking forward to the future of this project within not only our farm, but across the country with other farms taking a step to be more sustainable.

Yes, bring on 2014… with more adventures, more challenges, more family memories and life events. Let’s raise a glass (of milk of course) and toast to a great New Year… for all of us!





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